Chin Implant (Augmentation)
Dr. Sayah uses facial implants to improve and enhance facial contours. Frequently, these implants will help provide
a more harmonious balance to your face so you may feel better about the way you look. The implant strengthens the jaw
line or brings the chin into balance with the rest of the face. In Dr. Sayah's experience, creating subtle but definite
proportion, size, and projection to a small, recessive chin may add tremendously to one's appearance. You can change
your chin from having a notch at the center (cleft chin) to a smooth contour. In contrast, those seeking a more unique
appearance may select an implant which produces a cleft chin.
The implant is made of soft silastic, a safe, rubber-plastic material that has been used medically in the body for
more than twenty years (i.e., ear, dental, and eye surgery, replacement heart valves and blood vessels, replacement
joints--hips, knees, fingers, etc.)
The body is compatible with this material. Supportive tissue forms around the implant after a few weeks. Once healed,
it usually feels like your normal chin.
Chin augmentation is frequently performed in association with other plastic surgery procedures such as nasal surgery
(rhinoplasty), cheek implant, facelift, or neck recontouring. In certain cases, you can simply achieve a smaller nose
by placing a chin implant, bringing the face into the correct proportions. Please refer to the list of specialties
provided to you for additional information on these procedures.
Chin augmentation is performed by making a small incision either inside the mouth where the lower lip joins the
teeth (the preferred location), or in the small crease line under the chin. A small pocket is created directly over the
bone exactly the size of the implant to avoid shifting or implant movement. The implants come in different sizes and
shapes. The choice depends on your desired change and Dr. Sayah's judgment. During your surgery, the various sizes and
shapes are tried and changed to obtain the optimum result. Normally, antibiotics are given before and after surgery to
decrease the risk of infection.
Chin augmentation is frequently performed in association with other plastic surgery such as nasal, cheek implant,
facelift, or neck suctioning. The anesthesia method of choice in our office is a safe, light, general anesthetic
performed by an anesthesiologist. We can also perform this under intravenous sedation. After you are asleep, a
long-acting, local anesthetic is injected into the area to provide several hours of numbness to the area.
Usually a small amount of supportive tape is used for a few days. This may be removed as it becomes loose. Slight
bruising and swelling, both of the chin and neck, occurs for a few days. This swelling may initially be bothersome, as
your chin will, at first, appear larger and rounder than the final result. Occasionally, a slight amount of bruising may
appear under the chin. This can be masked by make-up after five days.
There is usually no true pain, just discomfort. A stiff feeling of the chin and lower lip is common for several days.
With an incision inside the mouth, a clear liquid diet of water, juices, cool tea, and cool, clear broth is recommended
for the first day following surgery. For the second day, a full liquid diet of juices, soups, etc. is preferred. A soft
diet should be followed for another three to five days. Hard foods such as corn-on-the-cob, apples, etc., should be
avoided for six weeks.
After the Procedure
When the incision is under the chin, a soft diet is recommended for five days, until stiffness starts to resolve. The
outside incision line can be washed after two days. Bacitracin ointment should be placed on the outside of the chin
incision two times per day once the tape comes off.
Men should avoid shaving the chin until soreness resolves in three to five days. When the incision is under the chin,
avoid shaving over the area until the stitches are removed. When the incision is inside the mouth, the lower teeth should
not be brushed or flossed for one week. Mouthwash can be used after two days.
Elevate your head on one to two pillows. Light ice compresses can be applied over the chin. If you have an incision on
the inside of your lip, you should be on a clear liquid diet (7-Up, clear apple juice) for 24 hours, a full liquid diet
(chicken soup, orange juice) for the next 24 hours, and a soft diet for five days. With an inner lip incision, also do not
brush the lower teeth for three days. Most of the swelling is gone in two weeks, but the nice definition and form of the
chin may not be appreciated for four to six weeks.